PP6 Podcast - NFL Fantasy Football

Week 10: Everthing's S**t with John and Ed

John and Ed Season 3 Episode 13

Late this week thanks to stuff getting in the way of the edit, so a little out of date, but in it's own way timeless as John and Ed take time to rant, vent and gripe about all things bad in NFL Fantasy Football and in the PP6 league, along with complaints submitted by their fellow GMs. Also the return of News/Not News. 

For some reason, the audio quality on this one is in the loo too, but after a long editing session it couldn't be fixed - hope it doesn't detract too much!

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 2019 by Zep Hurme (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. dig.ccmixter.org/files/zep_hurme/59061 Ft: Scombe